Rings of the Master Wikia

Welcome to the Rings of the Master Wikia![]

This is the online encyclopedia for characters, organizations, important objects, planets, and space ships from the Rings of the Master series by Jack L. Chalker. This shall be quite a long-term project without help, so if you have a favorite character from the series and would like to see a page about them feel free to pitch in and help the community out by starting one! For a list of all pages, click here. If you’d like a few examples of well-made pages, check out the Sabatini, Free Booter, and Halinachi pages.


This Wikia is dedicated to documenting all the concepts and people in the Rings of the Master Series, which can get a little overwhelming and hard to remember at times! With this Wikia, you’ll (eventually) be able to quickly look up just who the Captain of the Indrus is, what he looks like, and who his crew is, whenever the books don’t go to the effort of explaining that over and over again. This is a long term project, and when it is done it will make reading the books more enjoyable and it will hopefully get others interested in this truly awesome and under-appreciated series!
